2 Alarm Dwelling in the First Due
December 17, 2022

On Saturday 12/17 the company handled a 2 alarm house fire in our first due, which started in a detached garage. Engine 502 and 54-2 arrived simultaneously and stretched multiple lines to knock down the fire in the garage and the house. The fire in the house was contained mostly to the siding outside, the attic, and the 2 rooms directly against the garage. Crews worked for about 3 hours before clearing. We were assisted by members from Lampeter, West Willow, New Danville, Quarryville, Lancaster Township, Blue Rock Fire Rescue, Strasburg, Conestoga, Manheim Township Fire Rescue, Ronks, Gordonville, and Reamstown fire companies. Thank you to Rescue 80 (Columbia) for standing by in our station.